Rabu, 21 Agustus 2013



Farmasi sebagai profesi di Indonesia sebenarnya relatif masih muda dan baru dapat berkembang secara berarti setelah masa kemerdekaan. Pada zaman penjajahan, baik pada masa pemerintahan Hindia Belanda maupun masa pendudukan Jepang, kefarmasian di Indonesia pertumbuhannya sangat lambat, dan profesi ini belum dikenal secara luas oleh masyarakat. Sampai proklamasi kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia, para tenaga farmasi Indonesia pada umumnya masih terdiri dari asisten apoteker dengan jumlah yang sangat sedikit.
Tenaga apoteker pada masa penjajahan umumnya berasal dari Denmark, Austria, Jerman dan Belanda. Namun, semasa perang kemerdekaan, kefarmasian di Indonesia mencatat sejarah yang sangat berarti, yakni dengan didirikannya Perguruan Tinggi Farmasi di Klaten pada tahun 1946 dan di Bandung tahun 1947. Lembaga Pendidikan Tinggi Farmasi yang didirikan pada masa perang kemerdekaan ini mempunyai andil yang besar bagi perkembangan sejarah kefarmasian pada masa-masa selanjutnya.Dewasa ini kefamasian di Indonesia telah tumbuh dan berkembang dalam dimensi yang cukup luas dan mantap. Industri farmasi di Indonesia dengan dukungan teknologi yang cukup luas dan mantap. Industri farmasi di Indonesia dengan dukungan teknologi yang cukup modern telah mampu memproduksi obat dalam jumlah yang besar dengan jaringan distribusi yang cukup luas. Sebagian besar, sekitar 90% kebutuhan obat nasional telah dapat dipenuhi oleh industri farmasi dalam negeri
Demikian pula peranan profesi farmasi pelayanan kesehatan juga semakin berkembang dan sejajar dengan profesi-profesi kesehatan lainnya  Selintas Sejarah Kefarmasian Indonesia
1. Periode Zaman Penjajahan sampai Perang Kemerdekaaan
Tonggak sejarah kefarmasian di Indonesia pada umumnya diawali dengan pendidikan asisten apoteker
semasa pemerintahan Hindia Belanda.
2. Periode Setelah Perang Kemerdekaan Sampai dengan Tahun 1958
Pada periode ini jumlah tenaga farmasi, terutama tenaga asisten apoteker mulai bertambah jumlah yang relatif lebih besar. Pada tahun 1950 di Jakarta dibuka sekolah asisten apoteker Negeri (Republik) yang pertama , dengan jangka waktu pendidikan selama dua tahun. Lulusan angkatan pertama sekolah asisten apoteker ini tercatat sekitar 30 orang, sementara itu jumlah apoteker juga mengalami peningkatan, baik yang berasal dari pendidikan di luar negeri maupun lulusan dari dalam negeri.
3. Periode Tahun 1958 sampai dengan 1967
Pada periode ini meskipun untuk memproduksi obat telah banyak dirintis, dalam kenyataannya industri-industri farmasi menghadapi hambatan dan kesulitan yang cukup berat, antara lain kekurangan devisa dan terjadinya sistem penjatahan bahan baku obat sehingga industri yang dapat bertahan hanyalah industri yang memperoleh bagian jatah atau mereka yang mempunyai relasi dengan luar negeri. Pada periode ini, terutama antara tahun 1960 – 1965, karena kesulitan devisa dan keadaan ekonomi yang suram, industri farmasi dalam negeri hanya dapat berproduksi sekitar 30% dari kapasitas produksinya. Oleh karena itu, penyediaan obat menjadi sangat terbatas dan sebagian besar berasal dari impor. Sementara itu karena pengawasan belum dapat dilakukan dengan baik banyak terjadi kasus bahan baku maupun obat jadi yang tidak memenuhi persyaratan standar.Sekitar tahun 1960-1965, beberapa peraturan perundang-undangan yang penting dan berkaitan dengan kefarmasian yang dikeluarkan oleh pemerintah antara lain :
(1) Undang-undang Nomor 9 tahun 1960 tentang Pokok-pokok Kesehatan
(2) Undang-undang Nomor 10 tahun 1961 tentang barang
(3) Undang-undang Nomor 7 tahun 1963 tentang Tenaga Kesehatan, dan
(4) Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 26 tahun 1965 tentang Apotek. Pada periode ini pula ada hal penting yang patut dicatat dalam sejarah kefarmasian di Indonesia, yakni berakhirnya apotek dokter dan apotek darurat.
Dengan Surat Keputusan Menteri Kesehatan Nomor 33148/Kab/176 tanggal 8 Juni 1962, antara lain ditetapkan :
(1) Tidak dikeluarkan lagi izin baru untuk pembukaan apotek-dokter, dan
(2) Semua izin apotek-dokter dinyatakan tidak berlaku lagi sejak tanggal 1 Januari 1963.
Sedangkan berakhirnya apotek darurat ditetapkan dengan Surat Keputusan Menteri Kesehatan Nomor 770/Ph/63/b tanggal 29 Oktober 1963 yang isinya antara lain :
(1) Tidak dikeluarkan lagi izin baru untuk pembukaan apotek darurat,
(2) Semua izin apotek darurat Ibukota Daerah Tingkat I dinyatakan tidak berlaku lagi sejak tanggal 1
Pebruari 1964, dan
(3) Semua izin apotek darirat di ibukota Daerah Tingkat II dan kota-kota lainnya
dinyatakan tidak berlaku lagi sejak tanggal 1 Mei 1964.Pada tahun 1963, sebagai
realisasi Undang-undang Pokok Kesehatan telah dibentuk Lembaga Farmasi Nasional
(Surat Keputusan Menteri Kesehatan Nomor 39521/Kab/199 tanggal 11 Juli 1963).

( http://pharmacy07.wordpress.com/2008/09/20/sejarah-kefarmasian-indonesia/)




          A smartphone, or smart phone, is a mobile phone built on a mobile operating system, with more advanced computing capability and connectivity than a feature phone. The first smartphones combined the functions of a personal digital assistant (PDA) with a mobile phone. Later models added the functionality of portable media players, low-end compact digital cameras, pocket video cameras, and GPS navigation units to form one multi-use device. Many modern smartphones also include high-resolution touchscreens and web browsers that display standard web pages as well as mobile-optimized sites. High-speed data access is provided by Wi-Fi and mobile broadband. In recent years, the rapid development of mobile app markets and of mobile commerce have been drivers of smartphone adoption.
The mobile operating systems (OS) used by modern smartphones include Google's Android, Apple's iOS, Nokia's Symbian, RIM's BlackBerry OS, Samsung's Bada, Microsoft's Windows Phone, Hewlett-Packard's webOS, and embedded Linux distributions such as Maemo and MeeGo. Such operating systems can be installed on many different phone models, and typically each device can receive multiple OS software updates over its lifetime. A few other upcoming operating systems are Mozilla's Firefox OS, Canonical Ltd.'s Ubuntu Phone, and Tizen.
Worldwide sales of smartphones exceeded those of feature phones in early 2013. As of July 18, 2013, 90 percent of global handset sales are attributed to the purchase of iPhone and Android smartphones.

Operating system 

1. symbian
Symbian is a mobile operating system designed for smartphones originally developed by Psion as EPOC32 and later passed to and managed by Symbian Ltd. but currently maintained by Accenture. It was the world's most widely used smartphone operating system until Q4 2010. It has become obsolete since 2011 when Nokia, the last remaining OEM and by far Symbian's most popular OEM, dropped the platform in favor of Windows Phone.
The first Symbian phone, the touchscreen Ericsson R380 Smartphone, was released in 2000,and was the first device marketed as a 'smartphone'.It combined a PDA with a mobile phone.Later in 2000, the Nokia 9210 communicator was released.
The 7650 from 2002 was the first ever camera phone to hit the European market - it was also Nokia's first with a color screen display and the first to run on Nokia's Series 60 (later known as S60) platform, which would become a major smartphone platform in the coming years. In 2007, Nokia launched the Nokia N95, which integrated various multimedia features: GPS, a 5 megapixel camera with autofocus and LED flash, 3G and Wi-Fi connectivity and TV-out. In the next few years these features would become standard on high-end smartphones.
In 2010, Nokia released the Nokia N8 smartphone with a stylus-free capacitive touchscreen, the first device to use the new Symbian^3 OS.Its 12 megapixel camera able to record HD video in 720p. It also featured a front-facing VGA camera for videoconferencing.
Some estimates indicate that the number of mobile devices shipped with the Symbian OS up to the end of Q2 2010 is 385 million. Symbian was the number one smartphone platform by market share from 1996 until 2011 when it dropped to second place behind Google's Android OS.
In February 2011, Nokia announced that it would replace Symbian with Windows Phone as the operating system on all of its future smartphones.This transition was completed in October 2011, when Nokia announced its first line of Windows Phone 7.5 smartphones, Nokia Lumia 710 and Nokia Lumia 800. Nokia committed to support its Symbian based smartphones until 2016, by releasing further OS improvements like Belle, and new devices, like the Nokia 808 PureView. On January 24, 2013, Nokia officially confirmed that 808 Pureview would be the last Symbian smartphone.
Unlike other smartphone platforms in the early years, Symbian was the first to popularize mobile phone multimedia such as music, video and gaming. The other major smartphone operating systems at the time like Windows Mobile, BlackBerry OS (in those days) and Palm OS were solely focused on business-use. Despite this Symbian S60 still remained as a popular platform for business use as a result of Nokia's Communicator series such as the E90, as well as the Navigator series. Symbian's popularity in multimedia was centred in its Nseries, with devices such as the N73, N93, N95 and N97.

2. Windows mobile

Windows Mobile was based on the Windows CE kernel and first appeared as the Pocket PC 2000 operating system. Throughout its lifespan, the operating system was available in both touchscreen and non-touchscreen formats. It was supplied with a suite of applications developed with the Microsoft Windows API and was designed to have features and appearance somewhat similar to desktop versions of Windows. Third parties could develop software for Windows Mobile with no restrictions imposed by Microsoft. Software applications were eventually purchasable from Windows Marketplace for Mobile during the service's brief lifespan.
Most early touchscreen devices came with a stylus, which could be used to enter commands by tapping it on the screen. The primary touch input technology behind most devices were resistive touchscreens that often responded more accurately to a stylus for input, but could also be driven by a finger. Later devices used capacitive touchscreens, which were more suited to finger input. Along with touchscreens a large variety of form factors existed for the platform from the humble 'candy bar' style to sliding, folding and articulating keyboards.
A key software feature of Windows Mobile was ActiveSync; a data synchronization technology and protocol developed by Microsoft, originally released in 1996. This allowed servers running Microsoft Exchange Server, or other third party variants (such a Google Mail), to act as a personal information manager and share information such as email, calendar appointments, contacts or internet favorites.
Despite being replaced by Windows Phone, Windows Mobile is still in use to this day in the enterprise market by supermarket chains and courier companies.

3.Black berry

In 1999, RIM released its first BlackBerry devices, making secure real-time push-email communications possible on wireless devices. Services such as BlackBerry Messenger and the integration of all communications into a single inbox allowed users to access, create, share and act upon information instantly. There are 80 million active BlackBerry service subscribers (BIS/BES) and the 200 millionth BlackBerry smartphone was shipped in September 2012 (twice the number since June 2010\). Popular models include the BlackBerry Bold, BlackBerry Torch (slider and all-touch) and BlackBerry Curve. Most recently, RIM has undergone a platform transition. The company has changed its name to Blackberry and is pushing out new devices on a new platform named "Blackberry 10." So far, 3 devices have been released on this platform: the full-touch "Blackberry Z10" and the Qwerty devices "Q10" and "Q5".

4. Android 

Android is an open-source platform founded in October 2003 by Andy Rubin and backed by Google, along with major hardware and software developers (such as Intel, HTC, ARM, Motorola and Samsung, to name a few), that form the Open Handset Alliance. The first phone to use Android was released in October 2000. It was called the HTC Dream and was branded for distribution by T-Mobile as the G1. The software suite included on the phone consists of integration with Google's proprietary applications, such as Maps, Calendar, and Gmail, and a full HTML web browser. Android supports the execution of native applications and a preemptive multitasking capability (in the form of services). Third-party free and paid apps are available via Google Play, which launched in October 2008 as Android Market.
In January 2010, Google launched the Nexus One smartphone using its Android OS. Android has multi-touch abilities, but Google initially removed that feature from the Nexus One, but it was added through a firmware update on February 2, 2010. By Q4 2010, Android became the best selling smartphone platform after massive gains throughout the year.
On June 24, 2011, HTC Corporation released the HTC EVO 3D, a smartphone that can produce stereoscopic 3D effects and take 3D stereoscopic photos for viewing on its screen. Samsung Galaxy S III sales hit 18 million in the third quarter of 2012. On November 13, 2012 Google and LG released the Nexus 4 with Qualcomm's Snapdragon S4 Pro processor.

5.   IOS

In 2007, Apple Inc. introduced the original iPhone, one of the first mobile phones to use a multi-touch interface. The iPhone was notable for its use of a large touchscreen for direct finger input as its main means of interaction, instead of a stylus, keyboard, and/or keypad as typical for smartphones at the time. It initially lacked the capability to install native applications, meaning some did not regard it as a smartphone. However in June 2007 Apple announced that the iPhone would support third-party "web 2.0 applications" running in its web browser that share the look and feel of the iPhone interface. A process called jailbreaking emerged quickly to provide unofficial third-party native applications to replace the built-in functions (such as a GPS unit, kitchen timer, radio, map book, calendar, notepad, and many others).
In July 2008, Apple introduced its second generation iPhone with a much lower list price and 3G support. Simultaneously, they introduced the App Store, which allowed any iPhone to install third party native applications (both free and paid) over a Wi-Fi or cellular network, without requiring a PC for installation. Applications could additionally be browsed through and downloaded directly via the iTunes software client. Featuring over 500 applications at launch, the App Store was very popular, and achieved over one billion downloads in the first year, and 15 billion by 2011.
In June 2010, Apple introduced iOS 4, which included APIs to allow third-party applications to multitask  and the iPhone 4, with an improved display and back-facing camera, a front-facing camera for videoconferencing, and other improvements. In early 2011 the iPhone 4 allowed customers to use the handset's 3G connection as a wireless Wi-Fi hotspot.
The iPhone 4S was announced on October 4, 2011, improving upon the iPhone 4 with a dual core A5 processor, an 8 megapixel camera capable of recording 1080p video at 30 frames per second, World phone capability allowing it to work on both GSM & CDMA networks, and the Siri automated voice assistant. On October 10, Apple announced that over one million iPhone 4Ss had been pre-ordered within the first 24 hours of it being on sale, beating the 600,000 device record set by the iPhone 4. Along with the iPhone 4S Apple also released iOS 5 and iCloud, untethered device activation, backup, and synchronization,along with additional features.
In September 2012 Apple released IPhone 5 running IOS 6. In the last generation iOS number of new features was introduced, including panoramic photography, Passbook, Apple Maps and others.


I think every year there must be the development of IT, with people more intelligent, then IT will be more rapid development. It's there all the development impact of positive and negative, so we must be able adjust to our needs.



         Universitas Muhmmadiyah Malang memiliki banyak fasilitas-fasillitas yang mendukung pembelajaran untuk mahasiswa dan mahasiswinya. Universitas muhammadiyah malang memiliki 3 kampus kebanggaan, kampus pertama berada di Jl . Bandung 1 Malang dan untuk prograam pascasarjana, kampus kedua berada Jl. Bendungan Sutami No.188 Malang untuk fakultas ilmu kesehatan (fikes) dan fakultas kedokteran, dan kampus tiga merupakan kampus pusat dari kampus putih,  kampus tiga berada di Jl. Raya Tlogomas No.246 Malang, dinisi merupakan kampus dimana semua kegiatan, dan merupakan kampus terpadu.

           Universitas Muhammadiyah malang ini memiliki 4 program pendidikan yakni : D3, S1, S2, S3 dan program pendidikan profesi. di progrm D3 ada : Program D-3 Keperawatan, Program D-3 Elektronika, Program D-3 Keuangan dan Perbankan. Sedangkan di program pendidikan S1 Terdapat 10 Fakuktas yang terdiri dari 34 Program Studi Sarjana, antara lain:
  • Fakultas Agama Islam
  1. Pendidikan Agama Islam (Tarbiyah) (terakreditasi A)
  2. Ahwal Al-Syakhshiyah (Syari'ah) (terakreditasi B)
  3. Ekonomi Syari'ah (prodi baru, proses akreditasi)
  • Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik
  1. Ilmu Kesejahteraan Sosial (KESOS) (terakreditasi B)
  2. Ilmu Komunikasi (terakreditasi A)
  3. Ilmu Pemerintahan (terakreditasi A)
  4. Sosiologi (terakreditasi A)
  5. Ilmu Hubungan Internasional (HI) (terakreditasi C)
  • Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
  1. Manajemen (terakreditasi A)
  2. Akuntansi (terakreditasi A)
  3. Ekonomi Pembangunan (terakreditasi B)
  • Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan
  1. Pendidikan Matematika (terakreditasi B)
  2. Pendidikan Biologi (terakreditasi A)
  3. Pendidikan Bahasa & Sastra Indonesia (terakreditasi B)
  4. Pend. Pancasila & Kewarganegaraan (terakreditasi B)
  5. Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (terakreditasi A)
  6. Pend. Guru Sekolah Dasar (PGSD) (terakreditasi C)

  • Fakultas Teknik
  1. Teknik Mesin (terakreditasi A)
  2. Teknik Sipil (terakreditasi B)
  3. Teknik Elektro (terakreditasi B)
  4. Teknik Industri (terakreditasi C)
  5. Teknik Informatika (terakreditasi C)
  • Fakultas Pertanian dan Peternakan
  1. Agroteknologi / Agronomi (terakreditasi A)
  2. Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian (Agribisnis) (terakreditasi B)
  3. Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan (ITP) (terakreditasi B)
  4. Kehutanan (terakreditasi B)
  5. Peternakan (terakreditasi A)
  6. Budidaya Perairan (Perikanan) (terakreditasi A)
  • Fakultas Psikologi
  1. Psikologi (terakreditasi A)
  • Fakultas Hukum
  1. Ilmu Hukum (terakreditasi A)
  • Fakultas Kedokteran
  1. Pendidikan Dokter (terakreditasi B)
  • Fakultas Ilmu-Ilmu Kesehatan
  1. Ilmu Keperawatan (terakreditasi C)
  2. Farmasi (terakreditasi B)
  3. Fisioterapi (prodi baru, proses akreditasi)
Program magister (S2) Terdiri dari 9 Program Magister, antara lain:
  • Magister Manajemen (terakreditasi B)
  • Magister Agama Islam (terakreditasi A)
  • Magister Hukum (terakreditasi B)
  • Magister Kebijakan Pendidikan (terakreditasi B)
  • Magister Psikologi Sains (terakreditasi B)
  • Magister Sosiologi (terakreditasi A)
  • Magister Agribisnis (terakreditasi B)
  • Magister Pendidikan Matematika (prodi baru, proses akreditasi)
  • Magister Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia (prodi baru, proses akreditasi)
Program Dektoral (S3) Terdiri dari 2 Program Doktoral, antara lain:
  • Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik (terakreditasi C)
  • Pendidikan Agama Islam (prodi baru, proses akreditasi)

Program Provesi Terdiri dari 7 Program Pendidikan Profesi, antara lain:
  • Dokter (dr.)
  • Perawat / Profesi Ners (Ns.)
  • Farmasi / Profesi Apoteker (Apt.)
  • Akuntansi / Profesi Akuntan (Ak.)
  • Pendidikan Advokad
  • Fisioterapis (Physio)
  • Psikolog (M.Psi)
         Disetiap kampus Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang memiliki perpustakaan, dimana perpustakaan pusat berada di kampus pusat, di Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang memiliki sistem tersendiri untuk memberikan fasilitas aman dan nyaman, perpusatakaan ini juga dapat digunakan untuk masyarakaat umum tetapi dengan ketentuan dan persyaratan tersendiri.

       Di Universitas Muhammadiyah malang terdapat akses internet gratis (hotspot) dengan ini Universitas Muhammadiyah malang memberikan fasilitas internet secara gratis yang dapat digunakan untuk mendukung kebutuhan mahasiswanya.